Riccardo Scarpa

Dr. Riccardo Scarpa – Business School - Durham University (UK) and Dpt. Business Economics of University of Verona (IT). Riccardo Scarpa is an applied economist who was educated at the Univiversirty of Wisconsin – Madison (1993-98), with a first degree (Laurea) in Agricultural Science from the University of Tuscia, Italy (1983-88) and in Environmental Impact Assessment from University College of Wales, Aberystwyth (1989-90). In 1998 he moved to the UK where he eventually took up a lectureship first in Newcastle and then at York. In 2005 he took a chair at the Waikato Management School in NZ, where he still has accademic involvement. In 2012-2014 he held the Gibson Chair in Environmental, Rural and Food Economics at Queens University Belfast. Since 2014 he has held a part-time associate professorship at the University of Verona at the department of Business Economics.
He has published widely in all major environmental, natural resource and rural economics journals, including the J. of Environmental Economics and Management, Land Economics, the Amer. J. of Agricultural Economics, Environment and Resource Economics, Ecological Economics, Energy Economics and the Australian J. of Agric. and Resource Economics.
He has acted as academic peer-reviewer for over 70 academic journals, most of which of interdisciplinary nature and as an associate editor and member of the editorial board of several field journals. He has supervised 17 PhD students, most of whom went on to academic or research-based positions. His publications have been cited more than 1,800 times in ISI journals.
John Rose

John is Director and Professor of Data Analytics in the Business School at UTS. Previous to this appointment he was research director at the Institute for Choice (UniSA), and at ITLS John was the Professor in Transport and Logistics Modelling, Director of the Choice Analysis Program, and Graduate Studies Program Director.
John's research interests are in the areas of discrete choice modelling and efficient stated choice experiments. John has many articles published in the top Transportation and Logistics journals (including Transportation, Transportation Research A, B and E) and is a co-author of (with Professors David Hensher and William Greene) Applied Choice Analysis; A Primer, (2005, 2015) by Cambridge University Press.
He is currently writing a book on generating efficient stated choice experimental designs (with Mike Bliemer, ITLS). John is active in consulting, working in the areas of Toll Road evaluation and modelling, demand and take up for pharmaceutical and agricultural products. In between all this, John spent five years as a member of the Australian Army Reserve (1997-2002).
Rodolfo M. Nayga Jr.

Rodolfo M. Nayga, Jr. is Professor and Tyson Endowed Chair in Food Policy Economics in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness at University of Arkansas. His research interests are focused on the economics of food policy and quality and on obtaining an understanding of how emerging consumer issues affect food and nutrient consumption/demand and public policies. Dr. Nayga received his Ph.D. from Texas A&M University. Prior to joining the University of Arkansas, he was a professor at Texas A&M University for 12 years. He also was a faculty member at Rutgers University and at Massey University, New Zealand.
He was a visiting professor and Fulbright Senior Scholar at the Marketing and Consumer Behavior department of Wageningen University, The Netherlands in Spring 2001, Taiwan National Science Council Fellow at the National Taiwan University in April 2008, and currently a NBER research economist and adjunct Professor at Korea University and Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomy Research.
He has published numerous papers in scholarly journals in the fields of economics, agricultural economics, marketing and public health. He has received at least $17 million in research grants and contracts and has given more than 250 invited talks and lectures in the US and several other countries and has been a member of editorial board of at least 10 scholarly journals.
Matthew Beck

Matthew has a Bachelor of Economics (Hons), Master of Philosophy (Marketing) and Doctor of Philosophy (Transport Economics) from the University of Sydney. He has diverse teaching experience, ranging from tutoring marketing subjects as an undergraduate, lecturing in, maintaining and managing the Discipline of Marketing as a postgraduate student. He teaches quantitative methods to Master of Management / CEMS students, the number one ranked Master of International Management program (Financial Times, 2009). He has recently moved into the area of infrastructure and has been leading the development of the infrastructure specialisation in ITLS.
He has consulted extensively with government and private industry in developing the curriculum that is responsive to market needs. He teaches Decision Making for Mega-Projects and Infrastructure Financing.
Matthew’s research focus includes understanding decision making processes for infrastructure investment decisions, pricing of infrastructure assets (particularly road pricing), modelling the interactions of multiple decision makers, and the role of the built environment in route and residential choice. He is fundamentally interested in human decision making and choice behaviour. Matthew has published in many leading journals and actively consults across of range of industries. This practical experience combined with his innovative teaching methods make Matthew one of the consistently highest ranked lecturers in the Business School. He has held a range of leadership positions, but currently serves as the Program Director of the Master of Transport Management. In the rare periods when not working, you might find him working on his real objective; becoming the number one golfer in transportation and logistics.
Petr Mariel

Petr Mariel is an Associate Professor at the Department of Econometrics and Statistics of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (Bilbao, Spain). He has a Bachelor in Economics (University of Economics, Prague), a Master in Economics and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. He teaches basic and advanced quantitative methods master courses to Economics students. His teaching is mainly based on simulation techniques using the free programming language and environment for statistical computing and graphics R (https://www.r-project.org/).
Professor’s Mariel research focus is centered on discrete choice modeling applied mainly to environmental valuation, but he has also worked in the field of health, public and urban economics. He has published in many leading journals, and also has consulted in the public and private sector. He has held different leadership positions. He has been for many years the program director of the Master in Economics: Instruments for Economic Analysis organized by three Spanish public universities (the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, University of Cantabria and University of Oviedo), and he is the co-founder of a European scientific network of researchers using discrete choice modeling in the field of environmental valuation (www.envecho.com).