The summer school will be hosted by the Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics at Michigan State University (MSU), located in East Lansing, Michigan. All lectures, presentations and case studies will take place in the International Center, room 115.
Additional details about Michigan State University at https://msu.edu, and the department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics can be found at http://www.afre.msu.edu
Hosting Institution
Members of the Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics of Michigan State University are committed to research that makes a difference. Degrees are based on empirical economic analysis that can transform lives through policy, markets, and management. The department is nationally and internationally known for:
International economic development projects that improve lives and provide graduate students with overseas research opportunities in developing countries. View Food Security Group awards.
Environmental and resource economics projects that enable graduate students to collaborate with environmental scientists on tackling sustainability challenges. View recent output.
Food and agricultural business management and markets projects that engage graduate students in business and market analytics. View IFAMA MSU Graduate Student Award.
Regional economic development and policy projects that use economic tools strengthen and spread domestic prosperity. View State/Local Government Team.